Friday, July 6, 2007

Bridge to Terabithia

Paterson, Katherine.
Harper Collins Publishers: Scholastic Edition (1996).

*Appropriate for grades 4-7*

Jess Aarons is a lonely kid. His family doesn't notice him, and he doesn't have many friends at school. The only thing Jess cares about is drawing and running. He decides that he will be the fastest racer in the fifth grade, but his plans are spoiled when a new girl comes to town. Leslie Burke is a tomboy. She lives across the field from Jess, she's weird, outspoken, and she can outrun every boy in school. Despite his initial hesitance, Jess becomes inseparable from Leslie. They create a secret kingdom in the woods called Terabithia, of which they reign King and Queen. Because of Leslie, Jess begins to see the world as a happier place. He must learn to deal with her loss, however, once tragedy strikes in Terabithia.

  • Discuss the symbolism of bridges in this novel: where is Terabithia, and why does Jess need a bridge to get there? Bridges can symbolize journeys. What kind of journeys were taken in this book? Students may want to illustrate their reactions.
  • Have students discuss their feelings about Leslie's death. How can we cope with grief over the loss of a loved one?
  • Students may choose Leslie or Jess, and list all of the qualities of true friendship that either character possesses in the novel.

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